Walnut Hills
3250 Victory Pkwy.Cincinnati, OH 45207
(513) 363-8600
High School & Junior High School
3300 Sulsar Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45207
Best Address for Marx Stadium (Football, Soccer, Lacrosse, Track)
1501 Blair Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45207
Best Address for Walnut Hills Gym/Pool (Basketball, Volleyball, Swimming, Academic Quiz Team)
Take 71 S to the Dana Ave exit 5. Turn right onto Dana Ave. Turn left onto Montgomery Road. Turn right onto Blair Ave. The school will be about ½ mile on the right.
4761 Madison Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45227
I-71 to Exit #9 (Red Bank Rd.). Follow Red Bank to Madison Road and turn right. Follow Madison for several minutes and Madison Bowl will be on your left.
Losantiville Country Club
3097 Losantiville Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 4513
Take I 75 or I 71 to the Norwood Lateral (562). Take Exit 2 Reading Road. Go North on Reading Road. Go past Seymour Ave. Turn Right onto Losantiville Ave. The Country Club will be on your right.
Northern Kentucky University. I-71 south to I-471 south. Stay on 471 until it intersects with Highway 27 and continue straight and turn right at the next traffic light (Nunn Drive). Proceed straight to Regents Hall at the corner of Nunn and Kenton Drives. The pool is downstairs in Regents Hall.
1501 Blair Ave. Best Address for Walnut Hills Gym/Pool (Basketball, Volleyball, Swimming, Academic Quiz Team)
I-71 South to Exit #5 (Dana Avenue). Turn left on Dana then make a right on Duck Creek at the first traffic light. Follow Duck Creek until it ends at Montgomery Road and turn left. Turn right at the first traffic light (Blair Avenue) and follow to the school.
Roselawn Park Field #2
7100 Eastlawn Drive
Cincinnati, OH 45237
I 75 or I 71 to the Norwood Lateral (Route 562). Take Exit #2 on the Norwood Lateral (Reading Rd.). Turn right onto Reading Rd. (coming from I 71)/Turn left onto Reading Rd. (coming from I 75). Take Reading road past Seymour Avenue. Turn Right on Losantiville Ave. Then turn Right on Eastlawn Drive. This will take you directly to Roselawn Park Entrance.
Triangle/Losantiville Park Tennis Courts
2651 Burnet Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45219
Take I 71 South To Exit 3 (William Howard Taft Road). Turn right onto William Howard Taft Road. Turn Right on Burnet. Courts will be on the right.
Owl's Nest Park
2008 Fairfax Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45207