2650 Bartels Rd.Cincinnati, OH 45244
(513) 232-7770
High School
Traveling West or North From Kentucky or New Richmond
Take 275 to 5 Mile Road Exit. Turn left (North) on 5 Mile Road. Cross Beechmont Avenue. Turn Left at dead end on Clough Pike. Turn Right at the Third Stop Light on Bartels Road. The School is on the right.
Traveling East From I-75 or I-71
Take 275 to Route 32 Newtown / Eastgate Exit. Turn South on Route 32 towards Newtown. Once in Newtown, Turn Left on Newtown Road. Turn Left at fork in road on Bartels Road. The School is on the left.
From The City
Take Columbia Parkway East. Go Right on the Beechmont Levy. Take Beechmont Levy To Route 32. Turn Right at the light, Clough Pike. Turn Left on Newtown Road. Turn Right on Bartels Road. School is on the Left
Freshman Baseball
Take 275 to 5 Mile Road Exit. Turn South on 5 Mile Road. Turn Right on Beechmont Avenue. Turn Left on Nagel Road. School is on the Right at State and Nagel.
From The City
Take Columbia Parkway East. Go Right on the Beechmont Levy. Take Beechmont Levy through Mt. Washington and pass 5 Mile Road. Turn Left on Nagel Road. School is on the Right at State and Nagel.